Rabbit Found on Park Road

October 21st, 2020

If you have lost a rabbit, quite big and light sandy colour , then at present it is on Park Road, opposite number 28

Be quick as it may not stick around!!


Maize Cutting.

October 19th, 2020

The Farmers will be cutting the Maize today and tomorrow.

To minimise disruption through Barnstone Village, they have devised a one way system.

They also have a cleaning plan in place.

Apologies are sent in advance of any inconveniences caused.



Barnstone Play Area- remains closed.

October 13th, 2020

Unfortunately the Play Park at Barnstone, still can’t be opened for play

There are several items not yet complete, so makes it unsafe for use.

I have asked for high priority , so that it can be up and running for Half Term

I will keep you all updated


Parish Clerk.


Barnstone Play Area to remain closed.

October 8th, 2020

For those that have ventured down to Barnstone Park Play Area,  you will see that there are a couple of fantastic new additions as below.

Even though they look inviting, the equipment is not yet complete.

The work needs to be finished and officially signed off, before play commences.

I will advise you all once it is officially ready for action!!!




Flooding & Community Resilience

October 8th, 2020


Community resilience


Parish and town councils can play an important role in alleviating the impact of an emergency.

Various measures can be considered to support communities. These include:

  • Developing a community emergency plan
  • Acquiring a resilience store
  • Participating in the Environment Agency’s flood warden scheme
  • Participating in Nottinghamshire County Council’s flood signage scheme.

Please note these measures are voluntary and are not designed to replace any assistance provided by the emergency services or other organisations.

Although parish / town councils are responsible for the implementation of these schemes, support will be available from Rushcliffe Borough Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and the Environment Agency.

For more information, please contact the Rushcliffe Customer Service Centre and request to speak with Rushcliffe Borough Council’s emergency planning officer.

Further advice on flooding, including a list of frequently asked questions, is available on our flooding advice pages.


Grants for Communities

A grant scheme has been set up by Rushcliffe Borough Council to provide funding towards community flood resilience stores. This is a one off pot of money Rushcliffe received for flooding expenditure 2013 -2014, and has chosen to reinvest into flood risk communities to increase flood resilience.

The scheme is open to all Parish/ Town Councils and West Bridgford Local Area Forum interested in setting up a flood resilience store within their community and is not for flood alleviation works. The grant must be used for equipment to benefit the whole flood affected community and not for equipment fixed/attached to individual properties.

Priority will be given to those communities that have previously experienced river or surface water flooding. The total funding will be allocated based on risk and grants are available up to a maximum of £1050 (subject to available funds).

You must demonstrate that the grant will assist the community be more flood resilient and assist vulnerable members of the community in times of flood and that the stores will be sustainable.

The grant could be used for purchasing or part payment of for example

  • A resilience store
  • Supply of sandbags or sandbag alternatives
  • Hi vis jackets / torches
  • Other community flood resilient equipment.

Guidance on setting up a flood resilience store can be found on the Community resilience page

Submitting an application

If you would like to apply for the scheme. Please complete the Flood resilience store grant scheme application form 2020 (CSV – 56KB).

Completed forms can be emailed to: Kemery@rushcliffe.gov.uk

Alternatively, they can be posted to:

Emergency Planning (flood resilience store)
Rushcliffe Borough Council
Rushcliffe Arena
Rugby Road
West Bridgford

Further information

If you have any queries about the application process or would like the form in a different format (a paper-copy or other format), please contact the Rushcliffe Customer Service Centre.


Bingham & District Audio Magazine

October 7th, 2020

Dear Friends,

I think all of you know of my connection with The Bingham and District Audio Magazine. During lockdown we suspended the magazine but we are about to start again with an issue this month. It has taken a lot of work from the technical team to be able to record the CD while staying socially distanced. Our knowledge of technology has expanded enormously – or at least the technical people have risen to the challenge while the rest of us look on. However, now that we are about to go ‘live’, we are thinking about the content of the magazine for the next few months. We have some items pre-recorded, and one of our interviewers has cracked the ‘interviewing by zoom’.

You may wonder what this has to do with you?  Well, I am writing to say that if you know of anyone who you think would be interested in giving a talk, or an interview we would be very pleased to hear from them. We are particularly looking for an item with a Christmassy feel, maybe memories of a trip to Lapland with the kids, nostalgia about student work as a Post office employee….  our remit is quite wide, but the person would need access to a computer or a device that supports zoom. If the person was willing to let someone into the house we could also record a talk. Please do think about it and let me know if you have any brainwaves – Christmassy or not.

If you have come across any of your neighbours that you think would like to receive a CD give me a call, or an email.


I hope you are all well,

Best wishes



Contact number:  Jane Roberts, 01949 839911

Email : Pat Harland <pat.harland@ntlworld.com>