New local shop at Granby – Dragon Street Stores

January 25th, 2021

Just to let you know that there is a new convenience shop at The Marquis of Granby, called Dragon Street Stores.

They have in stock fresh produce (milk, eggs, bread), fresh fruit and veg, beer, wine, spirits and lots of essentials from toilet roll to pasta to pet food.

Current opening hours are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 6-7pm and Saturday 12-1pm. However as based at the pub, If you need anything then just call the pub number or ring the doorbell.

Dragon Street Stores

Post Office

January 8th, 2021


Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no Post Office at the Village Hall on Tuesday 12th January


Normal services will resume on Tuesday 19th January


Outdoor Gym & Multi-Sports Area Closed.

January 6th, 2021

Due to new Government Guidelines

The Outdoor Gym and Multi-sports area has been closed until further notice.


Barnstone Muga


Barnstone Ourdoor Gym 2017