Agenda 9th July 2020

July 4th, 2020

Please see attached the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Thursday 9th July.

If you would like to attend via Zoom, please let me know.


Parish Clerk

07984 075016

Agenda 9th July 2020Agenda 9th July 2020

Langar Village Market – tomorrow at the Unicorn Pub 26/06/20:

June 25th, 2020

Town & Parish Update:

June 24th, 2020

Please see attached Town and Parish update.

Quizzes, the Final Answers:

June 24th, 2020

Good morning,

Please find the answers attached for Week 10 Quizzes.

This will be the final round of quizzes, that you will be receiving for a while.

A big thank you to Tom McHarg, who has been working hard,  providing the quizzes every week, and keeping many Villagers entertained.

I know a lot of people have really appreciated them.

cool for cats answers

cryptic groups answers

kids should eat these answers

military dingbats answers

missing vowels answers

nautical alphabet answers



Summer Newsletter

June 15th, 2020

Good afternoon,


Please find attached the first online Summer Newsletter for Langar cum Barnstone


I would like to say many thanks to Heather Whitaker for all her hard work and time in putting this all together and producing such a fantastic Newsletter.

Summer Newsletter June 2020

I hope you all enjoy reading it!


If you know of anybody that would like a printed version, or would like to be added to the email newsgroup, for regular updates,  please let me know.


Tea & Chat Sessions – Monday at 14.00

June 9th, 2020

You are invited to Tea and chat sessions on Mondays at 2pm via Zoom.

This is a place to come together and socialise and talk about anything you like. The aim is to help improve our health and wellbeing and ensure that we are not feeling isolated throughout this pandemic and to keep everyone in the community going.

On talking to people I realise that a lot of us (myself included) are feeling lonely and getting rather down. This is affecting especially those living alone but also those with family around.

So please get in touch for the codes to join us on zoom so we can continue to pull together and help support each other through this.

Sorry, it’s taken me so long to put this out there. It’s my ongoing internet issues that have prevented me from doing it sooner! I’ve decided that we should just start it up regardless of my difficulties and hopefully, BT will sort it soon 🤞

I will also ensure that this is emailed out to those who are not on Facebook. Thanks to Justina for letting me know how to go about doing this.

My contact details for the log in details  to join the meeting are as follows:

Lisa Brindley

01949 860013

07854 506451


Update on Recycling Centres

May 29th, 2020

All recycling centres across the county to open and for longer hours from 1 June


Following the reopening of two more recycling centres (Warsop and Retford) on Tuesday, Nottinghamshire County Council has put plans in place to open the remaining sites at Giltbrook, Kirkby, Mansfield and West Bridgford from Monday 1 June.

The sites will remain open to cars only for now, however all recycling centres across the county will open for longer – from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week.

Social distancing will be enforced and a strict one car in, one car out system will be in place. From Monday 8 June all household waste recycling centres will reopen to vans, trailers and pickups.

All the sites will be running a reduced service and only the following materials can be taken:
• garden waste,
• wood
• cardboard
• metals
• waste electrical and electronic equipment
• general waste

Staff will be onsite, but they will be unable to help unload due to social distancing. Residents are reminded that if they have coronavirus symptoms, are self-isolating or at a high risk of contracting the virus they should not travel to the sites.

Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, Councillor Kay Cutts MBE, said:

“We have successfully reopened eight of the county’s recycling centres and are set to open the remaining four sites on Monday. We can do this thanks to the diligence of residents who have treated the reopening of centres sensibly and safely.

“As the sites will be open for longer, residents will have more opportunity to dispose of their waste, so I urge people not to rush to the sites. I would still reiterate that where possible residents should store waste safely at home in the first instance. In doing so residents will help us to continue to deliver this service effectively whilst the sites operate at a reduced capacity due to social distancing.”

The Council is continuing to work closely with the Waste Collection Authorities at the district and borough councils to ensure that residents continue to receive effective kerbside waste services. And as of 1 June, all our partners will be operating a full kerbside service. Links to our local partners websites can be found at

For further information on recycling centres reopening please visit for our latest frequently asked questions.