Langar cum Barnstone Community Action Response: COVID-19

March 20th, 2020

Every household will receive the attached flyers during the course of today and tomorrow. Please ask for help if you need it, volunteers are waiting for your call.

The link to the Facebook page is

Community Assistance – Coronavirus

March 15th, 2020

Please feel free to use this form to help someone in need

Coronavirus in the Community

March 13th, 2020

As you are all aware, the impact of the Coronavirus is escalating.

The Parish Council is concerned that there may be some members of our community who may have ‘fallen through the net’. They may not be known to the authorities, they may not have a support network of family or friends, they may not have internet access.

If you are aware that a neighbour is struggling to cope please be a good neighbour and check if they need any help.

Thank you


Vale Market Cafe Saturday 14th March Barnstone Village Hall 10am – 12noon

March 9th, 2020

Welcome to the Cafe on Saturday! Buy your local produce including veg, eggs, bread, cakes, preserves and more. Have a chat with friends and neighbours over a delicious coffee and cob.

Vale Market Cafe – Saturday 8th February 10-12 at Barnstone Village Hall

February 1st, 2020

Spring is nearly here! Come along and meet up with friends and neighbours next Saturday at our busy Cafe.  Buy your local produce including veg, bread, eggs, cakes, preserves and more and treat yourselves to a delicious cob (veggie options available) and hot coffee or tea.

Carer’s Event – Cropwell Bishop Surgery 23rd January 10am – 12noon

January 15th, 2020

No photo description available.

If you are a carer looking for some support, our PPG are hosting another carer’s event for – 23rd Jan 10am-12pm at Cropwell Bishop Surgery.

It’s open to all carers, regardless of which surgery you are registered at. Our Carer’s Champion and support workers from the Carer’s Hub and Dove Cottage will be on hand to signpost you to support and offer advice.

There will also be tea and biscuits!

Not sure if you are a carer? A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid and invaluable.


Vale Market Cafe – Saturday 11th January, 10am – 12noon Barnstone Village Hall

January 4th, 2020

Whatever the weather, you will receive a warm welcome at next week’s Vale Market Cafe. Catch up with friends and neighbours over delicious fresh coffee and a butty or a slice of home made cake.

Local produce available as always – eggs, bread, preserves, veg, cakes and more!

Rushcliffe ask residents for donations to The Friary between 6-10 January

January 3rd, 2020

Vale Market Cafe Saturday 14th December 10am – 12noon Barnstone Village Hall

December 10th, 2019

Meet up with friends and neighbours this Saturday and sample the delicious coffee and butties on offer! Browse the stalls for your locally produced veg, eggs, cake, bread and much more! Father Christmas will be visiting at 11am.

Community Road Safety – Speed monitoring in Langar & Barnstone

November 27th, 2019

Following a presentation by PC Howard Shinn on Community Road Safety (CRS) at the November parish council meeting, we are looking for volunteers to join a team helping to monitor and report speeding in our villages. Full training will be provided by PC Shinn.

If this is of interest to you please email the Parish Clerk at  and you will be added to the list of volunteers and updated with information regarding training.