Public Footpaths

June 21st, 2021

At this time of year, Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council wishes to remind local landowners and residents of their responsibility to keep hedges, under-hedges and grass verges trimmed and tidy to allow pedestrians to safely navigate the public footpaths.

Langar & Barnstone Social Walking Group

June 3rd, 2021

Langar & Barnstone Social Walking Group

I have been asked by several people about restarting the Social Walking Group, now that we are able to meet outdoors in larger groups. The Group is very friendly and informal, we have been walking together since 2012!  It usually meets for short, early evening walks, once a week between April and September.

I would like to find out who would be interested in joining in so if you could contact me in the first instance by email at, including your preferred evenings, we can go ahead and organise our first local walk.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Claire Pegg


Your Parish Council 2021-2022 – Officers & Vacancies

May 17th, 2021

At its meeting on 5th May, Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council elected Councillors Jeff Fry and Nicky Pulford to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the coming year.

At the same meeting, Councillors Chris Harper and Kerry Risk resigned from the Council due to pressure of other commitments. The Parish Council wishes to record its appreciation for their fine work for the parish during their time on the Council, especially to Chris for acting as Chair over this last year under very trying circumstances for the Council as well as for everyone else.

This leaves two vacancies on the Parish Council. If you feel that you have something to offer the local community as we navigate our way out of lockdown towards a more normal existence, please get in touch with our Parish Clerk, Sharon Ellis, in the first instance. Sharon’s contact details are given at the end of this email.

The current membership of the Parish Council is:

Councillor James Barlow –

Councillor Adrian Bellamy –

Councillor John Crosby –

Councillor Jeff Fry –

Councillor Katy Morris –

Councillor Nicky Pulford –

Councillor Trevor Simpson –

Sharon Ellis

07984 075016


Barnstone Play Park- Temporary Closure.

May 6th, 2021

Barnstone Play Park will be closed from Monday 17th May, for approximately 1 week.

The new Trail Trim is being installed!

For safety reasons, please do not use until further notice

Chairman’s Report 2020-2021

May 6th, 2021

Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council – Chairman’s Report

It has been a very challenging year for everyone around the world.  The wide spread of the coronavirus at the outset of 2020 led to a nationwide lockdown, the closure of schools, businesses, leisure activities, community buildings and play parks.

I would like to thank all of the volunteers throughout the parish that rallied around to provide support and services during this extremely difficult time. Your contributions have been invaluable, and you have truly demonstrated what a fantastic community we live in.

As we approach the end of April 2021, I am optimistic for the future.  The national lockdown appears to be lifting, and we can begin to get back to some sense of normality.

Throughout the year the Parish Council has continued to operate to the best of our ability.  Monthly meetings have been held via video conferencing.

This report focuses on summarising those activities undertaken by the council during the last year.

Council Members

Cllr Jason Hollands resigned in December 2020.  This left two open vacancies on the council.  These vacancies were filled by co-option following interviews in March 2021.  The new members to join the council were Cllrs John Crosby and James Barlow.

Current council members include:

Cllrs, A Bellamy, J Fry, C Harper, T Simpson, N Pulford, K Risk, J Crosby, J Barlow, K Morris


Council Staff

The Parish Council currently employs three part time staff, including the Parish Clerk, Lengthsman and Litter Picker.  I am very grateful for all their hard work over the last year.  It’s a great team.  They work extremely hard to keep our villages, services and administration in good working order.


The Parish Council acts as a consultative body for Rushcliffe Borough and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Planning departments.

Each month, (excepting August), Parishioners have an open invitation to attend Council meetings, to share their opinions on planning and other matters. These open sessions last for fifteen minutes and help to inform councillors on public opinion.

Where the matter relates to planning, the parish is but one voice.  We are not the decision makers, but our comments (along with those of other members of the public) might help to inform it.

Over the last year we have continued to review all local planning applications in the interest of the parish.


The nationwide lockdown has restricted Parish Council income streams during the last year.  This is understandable given that organisations haven’t been able to use the village hall or outdoor sports facilities.  The Parish Council has been working hard to minimise this impact and to ensure we can offer these facilities at the earliest opportunity.

Over recent years the Parish Council formed a Village Hall Development Committee.  This committee continues to make steady progress with existing plans to build a new village hall facility to meet the growing needs of a busy, active, modern community.   During the last year they commissioned surveys to understand community requirements.  They have also been looking at funding streams to support the project.

We have completed the phase 1 re-build of the new children’s play park area in the centre of Barnstone.  I am delighted to report that funding for phase 2 of this exciting project has now been achieved.  This now has the makings of a really wonderful play area for the children of the parish.  I am very grateful for all the work of the Play Park Group and all the generous funding streams that have bought this project to fruition.

The Parish Council has continued to provide the local structure for developing and maintaining public amenities such as our play parks, public spaces, war memorial areas and defibrillator machines.

We are proud to support community groups and events (where possible) to help foster inclusion and goodwill in our community.


I will be stepping down from the Parish Council in May after 4 years’ service. During my time on the council I have learned a great deal about local government, planning and services.  I am very grateful for the support of my fellow Parish Councillors and that of the Borough and County Councillors.

It has been a privilege serving the parish over the years and I wish my successors well in their future endeavours.

Chris Harper

14th April 2021


COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit – Edition 5. 

April 16th, 2021

Please find enclosed the link to the COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit – Edition 5.

Apologies if you have already received this.

We will be releasing further editions of the toolkit on a regular basis to ensure you receive the most up to date information.

Many thanks,

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG Communications and Engagement Team