Langar & Barnstone Social Walking Group

June 3rd, 2021

Langar & Barnstone Social Walking Group

I have been asked by several people about restarting the Social Walking Group, now that we are able to meet outdoors in larger groups. The Group is very friendly and informal, we have been walking together since 2012!  It usually meets for short, early evening walks, once a week between April and September.

I would like to find out who would be interested in joining in so if you could contact me in the first instance by email at, including your preferred evenings, we can go ahead and organise our first local walk.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Claire Pegg


Parish Sports Calendar:

May 22nd, 2021

There is a New Parish Sports Calendar for all activities that take place on the Sports Field, Multi-Sports Area, Skate Bowl and Play Park

The Calendar can be found on the Parish Website: under Village information – Parish Sports Booking Calendar.

For all bookings/enquires please contact myself (details below).

If you would like to play tennis, with notice the tennis nets can also be set up for you.


Parish Clerk

07984 075016




Your Parish Council 2021-2022 – Officers & Vacancies

May 17th, 2021

At its meeting on 5th May, Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council elected Councillors Jeff Fry and Nicky Pulford to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the coming year.

At the same meeting, Councillors Chris Harper and Kerry Risk resigned from the Council due to pressure of other commitments. The Parish Council wishes to record its appreciation for their fine work for the parish during their time on the Council, especially to Chris for acting as Chair over this last year under very trying circumstances for the Council as well as for everyone else.

This leaves two vacancies on the Parish Council. If you feel that you have something to offer the local community as we navigate our way out of lockdown towards a more normal existence, please get in touch with our Parish Clerk, Sharon Ellis, in the first instance. Sharon’s contact details are given at the end of this email.

The current membership of the Parish Council is:

Councillor James Barlow –

Councillor Adrian Bellamy –

Councillor John Crosby –

Councillor Jeff Fry –

Councillor Katy Morris –

Councillor Nicky Pulford –

Councillor Trevor Simpson –

Sharon Ellis

07984 075016


Electoral Review of Rushcliffe Borough

May 17th, 2021

Good morning,

As you may have seen in the local media, The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has launched a public consultation inviting proposals to maintain the current pattern of electoral wards for Rushcliffe Borough Council.

This includes their recommendation that 44 councillors should continue to be elected to the Council in future instead of a previous proposal to the authority it could increase to 46 in line with the Borough’s increasing populations.

They are now inviting proposals from local councils, interested parties and members of the public until July 19, 2021 and you can have your say at which contains links to guidance and maps of the current wards.

The Commission are also giving more information about the review and answering questions at a community online briefing on Monday May 24 at 6pm designed to inform a wider group of stakeholders about the current position and gain a better understanding of our communities’ make-up.

You can watch the live briefing and ask questions and the video will be available after the meeting.

The authority have highlighted in drawing up a pattern of electoral wards, they must balance the three statutory criteria they are required to follow:

  • Make sure that, within an authority, each councillor represents a similar number of electors
  • Create boundaries that are appropriate, and reflect community ties and identities
  • Deliver reviews informed by local needs, views and circumstances


Views can also be submitted by email to or by post to:

Review Officer (Rushcliffe)


PO Box 133


NE24 9FE

They plan to publish proposals for new electoral arrangements in October with further consultation planned between then and December and intend to publish final recommendations in March 2022.



Barnstone Play Park- Temporary Closure.

May 6th, 2021

Barnstone Play Park will be closed from Monday 17th May, for approximately 1 week.

The new Trail Trim is being installed!

For safety reasons, please do not use until further notice