Welcome Space tomorrow Friday 13th December 12.00-14.00 at the Community Hall, Barnstone

December 12th, 2024

Welcome Space’ at the Community Hall, Friday 13th December 11.00-14.00
There will be a warm welcome for everyone, whether you are on your own or in a group.
Free and open to all
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow


February 2nd, 2022

As many of you will know, Heather Whitaker has decided to retire as Editor of Signpost after 10 years and 40 issues. The Parish Council wish to thank Heather for all the work she has put in to make the magazine the success it is today, informing and entertaining residents of happenings near and far.

The presses are waiting for the next issue and so the Parish Council is seeking a volunteer to pull future issues into shape. Although the title is that of ‘Editor’, Heather feels that ‘Formatter’ is a better description of the work involved in entering the articles and adverts into a desktop publishing program, as the sourcing of articles and advertisements, the proof-reading, and getting the final proof to the printers is handled by others.

If you feel you have experience or confidence in using a DTP program and can offer some of your time to help us, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Sharon Ellis, Parish Clerk, in the first instance

(T: 07984075016; E: langarbarnstoneclerk@gmail.com). As a special introductory offer, Heather has offered to assist the new Editor with getting to grips with the work involved.


Covid update and Councillors’ Connection

October 27th, 2020

Councillors’ Connection Tuesday 27-10-20

Please find a COVID-19 update below.


Move confirmed to Tier 3 restrictions for Rushcliffe


Rushcliffe, Nottingham, Broxtowe and Gedling Council areas are set to move to Tier 3 COVID-19 restrictions following discussions between Government and our Council Leaders.

These measures come into force at 00.01 on Thursday October 29.

The new measures will expire in 28 days and will be closely monitored by Government and local partners.

The single package of measures across these specific areas will be formally announced tomorrow (Tuesday October 27) and have been agreed to achieve a sustained reduction in infection rates, especially to help protect our vulnerable residents, the NHS and social care services.

A package of support similar to those secured in other parts of the country has been agreed to help residents and businesses who will be impacted by the new restrictions.

Further measures specific to these areas of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire will also be announced tomorrow.

Our Leader Cllr Simon Robinson said: “We know we are asking residents and businesses to make ever more sacrifices, but they are necessary to ensure we can restrict transmission of COVID-19 and protect lives.

“The full measures will be outlined as soon as possible. Please play your part to stop the spread of the virus.”



Rabbit Found on Park Road

October 21st, 2020

If you have lost a rabbit, quite big and light sandy colour , then at present it is on Park Road, opposite number 28

Be quick as it may not stick around!!


Important update: re Fire at Langar

May 22nd, 2020

The Fire Brigade, spent last night damping down the fire, but due to the likelihood of Chemicals and Asbestos dust still being in the air, we are being advised to keep windows closed and stay in doors for the next 24 hours.