Little People Playgroup at Barnstone Village Hall

September 17th, 2021

September 2021 Signpost

September 16th, 2021


Please find attached the latest Signpost edition

Thank you to Heather Whittaker for all of her hard work in producing this document

Signpost September 2021

Signpost – September 2021 Edition

September 16th, 2021

Please see attached the September 2021 edition of the Parish Signpost

Thank you as always to Heather Whittaker for her hard work in producing this booklet

Signpost September 2021

Volunteers required!

September 8th, 2021

“Volunteers required – we are planning a couple of sessions to undertake some work on the wildlife area (former pond) in Langar …

The aim would be get a good sized group together on 31st October to cut back hedgerows to a manageable height and width again, remove unwanted weeds and plants and generally cut everything back to level across the site as a whole – then, once all of the cut materials have had time to dry out in situ, return on 7th November and gather everything up and potentially have a small bonfire again.. leaving the site tidy for winter and ready to spring into life again in 2022..

If we say 9:30am on each day to assemble and get started, bringing with you any suitable tools and clothing required please …

For those who prefer to help in a less physical way, all offerings of tea and cake are very welcome!!

Hope to see you there!


Barnstone Fright Night 2.

August 26th, 2021

Go Green – 30 day challenge.

August 23rd, 2021

Notts Recyclers we need YOU to sign up to our Go Green 30 day challenge and help fight climate change:

Langar & Barnstone Village Hall Committee AGM

July 23rd, 2021

Langar & Barnstone Village Hall Committee AGM

The AGM of the Village Hall Committee will be on Thursday 12th August 2021 at 7.00pm.

The Committee comprises of volunteers and Group representatives from the two villages of Langar and Barnstone.

Anybody who is interested in joining the Village Hall Committee is most welcome.

Would any interested persons willing to be nominated, please contact the Secretary Linda Kemp by Thursday 5th August on 01949 860867 or at

Summer Signpost issue 67

July 2nd, 2021

Please see attached the latest edition of the Summer Signpost.

Signpost June 2021