Parish Council News – Elections & Use of MUGA

May 29th, 2020

The Parish Council continues to meet monthly, albeit in virtual Zoom meetings. Our latest meeting was on 14 May, at which we were joined by one of our Borough Councillors and both of our County Councillors.


At that meeting, Cllrs. Chris Harper and Nicky Pulford were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the coming session.


A number of residents have enquired about opening up the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for tennis and basketball. We have today (28 May) sought advice from Rushcliffe Borough Council on their opinion, and they have counselled against opening it up. The RBC officer stated “We have re-opened tennis courts in West Bridgford in recent weeks as we feel safely social distancing can be maintained but as effectively the area is classed as multi-functional, we  for example are not opening facilities such as play parks where we feel there is any grey area and advice cannot be followed easily, especially if children can access the area.”


We are aware that some youngsters have been scaling the fence of the MUGA to play basketball. Please be aware that we have contacted the police to keep an eye on any illegal activity at the MUGA.


Thank you.


Sharon Ellis

For the Parish Council





Coronavirus Care and Reinforcing the Countryside Code

April 6th, 2020

From Borough Councillor Tina Combellack 5.4.20

 Dogs and Gates

We are fortunate we are able to take our daily exercise in lovely countryside but please be mindful of the comments made by a local resident.


Remember these are hard surfaces on which the vile-virus can sit and wait for you…. and the last person to open the latch may be the one who inadvertently gives you the virus…

It’s suggested to wear or use something disposable to open any gate latch… a small stick then discard it as far from reach as possible, so no-one else then re-uses it,  but do try to protect hands from gate latches and bars, as you will then inevitably touch your face almost immediately afterwards, and we know what that can mean…. and do wash your hands well once you get home regardless!


As of today it’s now being recommended in some (mainly City) Boroughs that dogs be kept on a lead at all times.  Luckily  that’s not yet the case here in Rushcliffe other than in their Park areas However please make sure that your hounds are under control at all times, especially as we have lots of folk out walking / riding & also heavily pregnant sheep adjacent in adjacent fields.

But above all a heartfelt plea from the Faeces Fairies

Please tidy up after your hound, it’s not a bad dog it’s a bad owner who leaves poo where others may (fear to) tread and please don’t then just hang your poo-bag on a tree, gate or stile, or worse throw it into the canal, put it where it belongs, in your own bin or dog bin  “Good Samaritans” are already flat out so please don’t add to their work – thinking the Faeces Fairies will tidy up after you.

Stay safe, enjoy the lovely countryside and please help keep it equally enjoyable for others.


All Rushcliffe car parks free until further notice

March 24th, 2020

All Rushcliffe Borough Council managed car parks are free to use with time limits lifted until further notice in light of COVID-19.
The authority is not enforcing parking restrictions but asks all motorists to observe disabled bay rules.
They include the sites at:

  • Bridgford Road, West Bridgford
  • Albert Road, West Bridgford
  • Gordon Road, West Bridgford
  • Newgate Street, Bingham
  • Needham Street, Bingham
  • Bunny Lane, Keyworth
  • Church Drive, Keyworth
  • Radcliffe-on-Trent Health Centre
  • Walkers Yard, Radcliffe-on-Trent
  • Rushcliffe Country Park

The authority will review this decision monthly, with signs now in place highlighting the arrangements for car park users and advice on observing social distancing in line with government guidelines.
This includes keeping a distance of two metres between others, one exercise session per day and leaving the house to buy essential goods only before returning home.

Visit for the latest updates on the Council’s services and the support available to Rushcliffe communities.

A Rushcliffe Borough Council spokesperson said: “We are aware some individuals still require the use of public car parks when purchasing essential groceries or attending medical appointments or healthcare professionals providing support at local facilities.

“Therefore we have outlined the facilities can be used in line with social distancing guidelines from central government, outlined at each location, whilst saving a small cost to motorists on each essential visit.”