Quizzes, the Final Answers:

June 24th, 2020

Good morning,

Please find the answers attached for Week 10 Quizzes.

This will be the final round of quizzes, that you will be receiving for a while.

A big thank you to Tom McHarg, who has been working hard,  providing the quizzes every week, and keeping many Villagers entertained.

I know a lot of people have really appreciated them.

cool for cats answers

cryptic groups answers

kids should eat these answers

military dingbats answers

missing vowels answers

nautical alphabet answers



Summer Newsletter

June 15th, 2020

Good afternoon,


Please find attached the first online Summer Newsletter for Langar cum Barnstone


I would like to say many thanks to Heather Whitaker for all her hard work and time in putting this all together and producing such a fantastic Newsletter.

Summer Newsletter June 2020

I hope you all enjoy reading it!


If you know of anybody that would like a printed version, or would like to be added to the email newsgroup, for regular updates,  please let me know.



Town & Parish update

June 12th, 2020

Good morning,


Please find attached the latest Town and Parish Update from Rushcliffe Borough Council.

 Town and Parish Update