Free tree scheme return for Rushcliffe residents.
August 2nd, 2022
August 2nd, 2022
May 31st, 2022
May 16th, 2022
Invitation to the Annual Parish Meeting from the Chairman of Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council
Saturday 28th May 2022
Barnstone Village Hall at 14.00
Light refreshments will be provided
Annual Parish Meeting Notice May 2022
May 2nd, 2022
We are so close to the target and are not going to let increased building costs stop us now!!
Please support the new Village Hall which is for all of the community
Thank you for all of the donations already made.
March 21st, 2022
Please see attached the March Signpost edition
Articles include the following:
‘We Can Do This’! campaign
2 free hot drinks voucher, from the Naturescape Café
A reminder that the next Vale Market Café is on Saturday 9th April
Plus much more!
I hope you find it an interesting read.
February 9th, 2022
Dear Langar and Barnstone Community Member,
Langar School Council, in co-operation with Lucy Paine and James Barlow, have been looking into the road safety issues that we have in the villages.
You may have passed us many of us in the morning as we walk or cycle to school. Lots of us want to travel to school like this as it is good for our health and the environment. It is also good for us to start to do this independently as we get older and prepare for secondary school.
However, lots of us worry about getting across Musters Road; the crossroads between Barnstone and Langar. We know that lots of residents and parents worry about this crossing too.
The local councillors, Neil Clarke and Tina Combellack, share our concerns about the junction and they are really keen to support finding a way to make the crossing and getting to school safer. However, to make things happen we need to collect some information, in part so that whatever might be put in place meets the needs of us all.
So, whether or not you have a school age child, we would really value your answers to a few short questions. Please either reply by e-mail ( or by dropping your completed questionnaire off at Langar School where there will be a box for them.
February 8th, 2022
Vale Market Café
Butties with a cuppa and lots of gorgeous cakes.
Saturday 12th February 2022
Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon
Eat and drink with friends & neighbours
Browse the stalls & purchase locally made
or sourced produce and exchange books
January 3rd, 2022
Due to the high rates of Covid-19, the decision has been made to cancel the Vale Market Café on Saturday 8th January 2022
December 22nd, 2021
As we look forward to the festive season there are growing concerns for our most vulnerable Rushcliffe residents if a home care provider should fail or if it could not continue to provide care due to staff absence in light of the current COVID-19 situation.
At any one time social care providers support approximately 9,000 people across Notts and sadly the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the community and in care providers staff make this prospect ever more likely.
The County Council has developed plans to redeploy its own staff internally to deal with such an eventuality but clearly we are again in uncertain times and need to explore wider support networks.
Therefore as part of the Nottinghamshire Local Resilience Forum, each borough or district council is seeking those in councils and communities to offer support if the need arose. The sort of tasks include the following:
o Access to food delivery
o Access to food supply
o Accessing medicine
o Dog walking
o Befriending/social wellbeing
Should you or any residents in your towns or parishes wish to offer support please respond to or call either of the numbers below. After 5pm each day please call 07815 706045.
Many thanks for your time in considering this request particularly at a time where again we wish to stay safe but still help others.
Season’s Greetings to you all and thank you for your support throughout 2021.
The Media Team
Rushcliffe Borough Council
T: 0115 914 8555
M: 07815 706045
December 16th, 2021
The Carol Service will be in the churchyard for everyone’s safety, not inside the church and will take about 30 minutes.
We will stand near the porch on the path and among the gravestones, but we can provide a few seats. The ground is uneven with a few low level stones, so be careful and warn others. Please maintain distance from others.
The service leaders, readers and music accompaniment will be in the porch. The outside lights on the church will give limited lighting.
You will each need a torch – sunset is at 3:48pm. If anyone can bring a lantern for outside use, that would help.
Face coverings are recommended on arrival and departure, but are not essential during the service.
The toilet will be available inside the church, but otherwise do not enter the building.
Having a recent negative lateral flow test is desirable. Please do not come if you had a positive result or you have any Covid-19 symptoms
The Order of Service, including words for the carols, will be available as a pdf file which you might like to download to your mobile phone or tablet to use at the service. We will email this to those who have booked and try to have it on the Wiverton in the Vale Parish web site (, as well as a QR code on the noticeboard. A paper version (without the carols) and a carol sheet will also be available.
Booking is no longer essential but preferred.
Parking on the green at the church is slightly restricted.
So keep warm and we’ll make some joy in spite of the restrictions.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Trevor Simpson ( – 01949 860273)
Carol Services are also planned at churches in Tythby, Granby and Elton that day (check on ).