Barnstone Defibrillator

June 7th, 2023

Please be advised that the defibrillator in Barnstone is out of action due to  battery failure.

It should be back up and running in the next few weeks.

The nearest working defibrillators are located at the following addresses:


The telephone box.

Outside the Unicorns Head Public House

Main Street


NG13 9HE


St Andrews Church (in the entrance)

Church Lane



NG13 9HG


Parish clerk


13th May Commemoration Service- Mike Weston

May 24th, 2023

Mike Weston would like to thank everybody that attended the  commemoration service for 207 squadron W4938 EM.

A lost with all crew on the 13th May 1943 was the bomb aimer  Thomas Skelton (19) was newly married to Dorothy Ware and she wanted a memorial erected to 207 which subsequently happened 1994.
Without Dorothy or the late Roland Gale, owner of the airfield, the memorial may never had happened. This was my reason for having this particular dedication.
So by belief was that this crew deserves to be remembered  and in doing so Dorothy, Roland and all those that were instrumental and served on the committee.
I believe that the late Gordon Spence and myself has confidence this site is now in the safe hands of Langar and Barnstone Parish Council.
I have to thank the Parish Council in particular Cllr Brown,  his workforce and Borough Councillors for their contribution  to the new seat and refurbishment of the information board.
On Saturday 13th May standards were held by both Langar and Harby British Legions, the parade directed by Peter Hackett and a service and act of remembrance  by the Rev. Fred Connell.
The highlight of the day was a display by the BBMF Lancaster which was delayed by an hour due to cloud cover.
A fitting tribute to the crew of Lancaster W4938.
It’s the 30th anniversary of the memorial next year, I’ve done my bit but it would be nice to see something!

Mike Weston organiser of the event


April 19th, 2023

A new defibrillator has been installed in the porch at St. Andrew’s porch, between Church Lane and Langar Hall. It is funded jointly by the Church and Langar Hall.

Other public ones are in the phone boxes in Langar and in Barnstone and in many other places, maybe also some private ones. Emergency services can bring them. A defibrillator restarts a heart in a case of cardiac arrest / no pulse but the machines can tell whether that is the case.

If you ever need one, call 999 and they will tell you where the nearest one is, how to unlock the defibrillator with any accessories and what to do. Ideally it takes at least one person to attend to the patient, giving CPR and another person to fetch the defibrillator. It really needs continuous use of a mobile phone (preferably hands free) to stay in contact with 999. The defibrillator must be with the patient within 3 or 4 minutes and then it will give you instructions.

It is worth knowing a little about what to do if you find someone unconscious, with no pulse or unable to breath. This might avoid panic and save a life but the 999 call and the machine will guide you. There are online guides (I’ll try to give a link to one) and short training sessions to use before you face a real situation. Learn the basics of CPR to keep the patient’s blood flowing if their heart has stopped.

I cannot give proper advice but it is important to:

  • Call 999
  • Ensure the patient and you are in a safe position (traffic, electricity, fire, water, hazards etc.)
  • See if the person is breathing (clear any blockage and try mouth to mouth) or conscious or has a pulse or has signs of severe bleeding, injury or serious conditions
  • Do CPR especially if no pulse until a defibrillator takes over
  • Get others to help with the patient and fetching a defibrillator



Here’s a web site that explains what to do. Click on the links to Primary Survey, CPR and Secondary Survey.


The Boundary Commission final proposals

November 21st, 2022

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) has now presented its final proposals for changes to parliamentary constituency boundaries for the next general election.

Under these proposals, Langar and 10 houses in Barnstone would remain in Rushcliffe constituency but most of Barnstone would move to Newark constituency.

BCE is inviting comments on these proposals, with a closing sate of 5 December. Your Parish Council has submitted responses to indicate its preference for all residents to remain in Rushcliffe.

Should you wish to respond, go to, enter your postcode to see the map and make a comment.


October 5th, 2022

The local Services of Remembrance this year, on Sunday 13th November, will take place as follows:

A short Service at the 207 Squadron Memorial, Langar Airfield, led by Revd. David Milner 10 – 10.30 am

The main Service of Remembrance at All Saints church, Granby, led by Revd. David Milner 10.50 – 11.50 am

Followed by refreshments at the Marquis of Granby (donations appreciated)

All are cordially invited to attend

A Talk by Sir Andrew Pulford

October 5th, 2022

Granby, Barnstone & District Branch present

Ukraine – ‘So what’ for the UK and NATO?

A talk by Sir Andrew Pulford GCB CBE DL

Saturday 29th October 2022

Granby Village Hall 7.30 pm

Tickets £10 (including Ploughman’s Supper)

Pre- purchase required. Spaces limited.

Bar and Raffle

Proceeds to the Poppy Appeal

Tickets available from Andrew Charlett

01949 861446 or

Book of Condolence St Andrews Church Langar

September 9th, 2022

There will be a book of Condolence in St Andrews Church Langar (which is open 24/7) for parishioners to put messages in should you wish

It will be available until after the State funeral.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

September 8th, 2022

Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council is saddened to record the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

An integral part of the fabric of British life for over 70 year, Her Majesty has been the only monarch most of us have known, a truly remarkable achievement. Her Majesty’s commitment to public duty has been an outstanding exemplar for the rest of the country to follow.

The Parish Council, on behalf of the residents of Langar and Barnstone, offers its condolences to the Royal Family at this sad time.