Langar Carol Service

December 14th, 2021

Sunday 19th December at 4.00 pm by candle light

All are welcome to the candle lit Carol Service at St. Andrew’s, especially everyone in Langar cum Barnstone.

To limit the risks this year, places will be limited

About half the seating will be well spaced, half ‘normal’ spacing.

Please book with Trevor Simpson ( – 01949 860273) giving name, number of people, whether ‘spaced’ or normal seating is required and a contact detail.

Take a lateral flow test before coming – please do not come if it is positive or you have any Covid-19 symptoms

Wear a face covering whilst in church, Hand Sanitise on entry

Bring a torch

Vale Market Café Saturday 13th November Barnstone Village Hall

November 12th, 2021

 A quick reminder that it is the vale Market Café tomorrow!

Locally sourced products, butties with a cuppa, then lots of gorgeous cakes to follow. 

The Vale Market Café

Saturday 13th November 2021

Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon

Eat and drink with friends & neighbours

Browse the stalls & purchase locally made

or sourced produce and exchange books

Forthcoming date 11th Dec. 2021


Vale Market Café this Saturday 9th October 10.00-12.00

October 6th, 2021

The Vale Market Café

Saturday 9th October 2021

Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon

Eat and drink with friends & neighbours

Browse the stalls & purchase locally made

or sourced produce and exchange books

Forthcoming dates 13th Nov. & 11th Dec. 2021

Little People Playgroup

September 27th, 2021

Parish Council meeting – Thursday 9th September

September 2nd, 2021

Please see attached the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Thursday 9th September  19.30 at Barnstone Village Hall.

If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact me for details.

All welcome!

Sharon Ellis

Parish Clerk

07984 075016

Agenda Thursday 9th September 2021

February 17th, 2021

If you have not done so already

The Parish Council  would really appreciate it, if you could fill in the short attached survey regarding the New Village Hall.

Alternatively if you would prefer to write in please post to the address as below:


Rural community Action Nottingham,

Arnot Hill House,

Arnot Hill Park,



NG5 6LU.



Your feedback is really important to us!









Signpost December 2020

November 30th, 2020


Please see attached Decembers issue of the Signpost.

Signpost December 2020

I hope you find the articles interesting, and that  you will come across some new companies advertising their services.

The number of brilliant enterprises which exist in and around the Parish is simply fantastic

Many thanks to Heather Whittaker for all of her hard work in producing this document

If you know of anyone that would like a paper copy, please let me know


Parish Clerk