Current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Survey – Closing Date Monday 4th May

April 29th, 2020

Hello everyone

NCC Information on Free Parking Permits for NHS Workers, Social Care staff & volunteers

April 10th, 2020

Free parking permits for NHS workers, social care staff, key workers and volunteers


Councillor John Cottee

Chairman of Communities & Place Committee

Nottinghamshire County Council


Nottinghamshire County Council and all Nottinghamshire district and borough councils have launched a free parking permit for NHS and social care workers during the Coronavirus public health emergency.  The permits allow eligible staff to park for an unlimited time on single yellow lines, in residents’ parking areas, limited waiting bays, or council-owned car parks.

As well as NHS and social care workers, the permit offer is extended to anyone providing direct support helping unwell and vulnerable people in their communities at this unprecedented time, including emergency service workers, community volunteers, frontline transport workers, and local authority staff. We recognise that many are relying on cars to get themselves to and from work and minimise the spread of infection, and that they are also working long hours.

To read our full news release on this new permit scheme click here.

Eligible people can apply for a permit online at:


Spring Poster Competition

April 10th, 2020