Welcome to the Langar cum Barnstone Parish Council website
Civility & Respect certificate
Roles of Local Authorities in the Borough
Within the Borough of Rushcliffe three tiers of local authorities provide services: the County Council, the Borough Council (‘the Council’), and the Parish/Town Councils. The chart set out below, shows who provides what services.
Main Functions of Local Authorities in Rushcliffe
Function |
County | Borough | Town/Parish |
Allotments, Arts and Recreation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Births, Deaths and Marriage Registration | Yes | No | No |
Building Regulations | No | Yes | No |
Burials and Cremations | No | Yes | Yes |
Children’s Services | Yes | No | No |
Community Safety | No | Yes | No |
Concessionary Travel | Yes | No | No |
Consumer Protection | Yes | No | No |
Council Tax and Business Rates Collection | No | Yes | No |
Economic Development | Yes | Yes | No |
Education including: Special Educational Needs, Adult Education, Pre-School | Yes | No | No |
Elections and Electoral Registration | No | Yes | No |
Emergency Planning | Yes | Yes | No |
Environmental Health | No | Yes | No |
Highways (not trunk roads), Street Lighting and Traffic Management | Yes | No | No |
Housing | No | Yes | No |
Libraries | Yes | No | No |
Licensing | No | Yes | No |
Markets and Fairs | No | Yes | No |
Minerals and Waste Planning | Yes | No | No |
Museums and Galleries | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Parking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Passenger Transport (Buses) and Transport Planning | Yes | No | No |
Planning | Yes | Yes | No |
Public Conveniences | No | Yes | Yes |
Public Health | Yes | No | No |
Social Services including Care for the Elderly and Community Care | Yes | No | No |
Sports Centres, Parks, Playing Fields | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Street Cleaning | No | Yes | No |
Tourism | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Trading Standards | Yes | No | No |
Waste Collection and Recycling | No | Yes | No |
Waste Disposal | Yes | No | No |
Upcoming Events
Grand Opening of the Community Hall
24/02/2024 - 24/02/2024
Grand Opening of the Community Hall Saturday 24th February 11.30 -13.30 All Welcome
RAF Langar WW2 Event – Saturday 17th September
17/09/2022 - 17/09/2022
Latest News
Roadworks Bulletin – Monday 9th September 24
4th September 2024
Roadworks Bulletin – Main Road Barnstone
Signpost Magazine
8th August 2024
Please see link below for the latest Signpost Magazine 79 Summer 2024 Signpost
Rushcliffe Borough Council Survey
25th July 2024
Rushcliffe Bourgh Council are seeking the views of Rushcliffe residents to have their say on Council services and life in the area in our residents’ survey. The survey can be completed online before the deadline… Read More »
Get in Touch
Clerk to the Parish Council
Mrs Sharon Ellis
22 Brownes Road
NG13 8EF
T: 07984 075016
E: langarbarnstoneclerk@gmail.com
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