No Post Office today (14-12-2021)

December 14th, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no Post Office today at Barnstone Village Hall.

Normal services should resume next week.

Vale Market Café, Saturday 11th December 10-12.00

December 9th, 2021

Vale Market Café, Saturday 11th December 10-12.00

Lots of local produce available and of course delicious cakes to be purchased.

Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon

Eat and drink with friends & neighbours

Browse the stalls & purchase locally made

or sourced produce and exchange books

Saturday 11th December 2021

Forthcoming dates 8th Jan 12th Feb. & 12th Mar. 2022



No Post Office today!!!!

December 7th, 2021


Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no Post Office today at Barnstone Village Hall.

Normal services will resume next week,


No Post Office Today at Barnstone Village Hall

November 23rd, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no Post Office at Barnstone Village Hall today (23/11)

Normal services will resume next week

Vale Market Café Saturday 13th November Barnstone Village Hall

November 12th, 2021

 A quick reminder that it is the vale Market Café tomorrow!

Locally sourced products, butties with a cuppa, then lots of gorgeous cakes to follow. 

The Vale Market Café

Saturday 13th November 2021

Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon

Eat and drink with friends & neighbours

Browse the stalls & purchase locally made

or sourced produce and exchange books

Forthcoming date 11th Dec. 2021


Vale Market Café this Saturday 9th October 10.00-12.00

October 6th, 2021

The Vale Market Café

Saturday 9th October 2021

Barnstone Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon

Eat and drink with friends & neighbours

Browse the stalls & purchase locally made

or sourced produce and exchange books

Forthcoming dates 13th Nov. & 11th Dec. 2021

Nottinghamshire’s consultation admission arrangements 2023-2024

October 5th, 2021

Nottinghamshire’s annual consultation on admission arrangements is now open and I write to ask for your help in drawing this to the attention of parents.  The County Council, as the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools, is required by the School Admissions Code to determine admission arrangements annually.  Any changes have to be consulted upon prior to determination.

This year, the consultation for the admission arrangements for 2023-2024 for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire will be open between 4 October 2021 and 28 November 2021.

Please can you share information about the consultation widely within your church communities and other partner organisations who may have an interest in the proposed arrangements?  It is important that all consultees have an opportunity to comment on the proposed arrangements if they wish to do so.  A poster is attached which you may wish to include in any communication.

The key proposed changes for 2023-2024 include:

  • review of relevant areas
  • change to the admission number for Carnarvon Primary School

A summary of the consultation is attached and the full proposed arrangements are available on our public website

It is important that all consultees have an opportunity to comment on the proposed arrangements if they wish to do so, comments can be made up to 28 November 2021 by:


Summary of consultation – FINAL

78529 poster – FINAL (1)

Little People Playgroup

September 27th, 2021