New Website – ‘A History of Langar and Barnstone for Young People’

December 9th, 2019

We are pleased to report that Bill Dargue has created a new website, designed for young people, depicting the local history of our two villages. You can view the new website here. 

A permanent link is also available on the Parish website at

Langar cum Barnstone Housing Needs Survey – clarification

December 5th, 2019

The Parish Council has received queries regarding the recent Housing Needs Survey. For clarification, whilst the Parish Council received advance notification of reaffirmation survey from Midlands Rural Housing, the survey was not instigated by the Parish Council.

The survey need not be completed if the homeowner has no plans to move within the two villages within the next five years.

Dog found on Harby Lane, Langar

October 31st, 2019

Have you lost your dog? A dog has been found during the early hours of today (31st October), on Harby Lane, Langar, close to Little Langar Lodge.

For more information please contact the Parish Clerk on 01949 860123 or