Speed monitoring in Langar & Barnstone

November 12th, 2019

If you are interested in helping to monitor speeding vehicles in our villages, PC Howard Shinn will be attending the Parish Council meeting on Thursday 14th November to talk about the Community Road Safety Scheme. The meeting starts at 7.30pm and will be held at Barnstone Village Hall.

Walter, from Barnstone

November 5th, 2019

This is Walter.

He is a small, all black, male cat, missing since early June from Works Lane, Barnstone.

He has a small tear at the top of his right ear.
He is neutered and microchipped, but no collar.

Has anyone been feeding him?Has anyone noticed a cat sheltering in their shed/outhouse?

We have had a few potential sightings reported to us and believe he could still be in the village.

Please don’t try to catch him, he is very timid and will just run away.

He is friendly but likely to only approach someone who has gained his trust ie by feeding him.

Please mention to anyone else in the village who may not have seen the missing posters.

Please contact me on 07950451508 if anyone has any information.

Vale Market Cafe Saturday 9th November

November 4th, 2019

The Vale Market Cafe welcomes everyone this Saturday at Barnstone Village Hall between 10am – 12noon.

Take the chance to catch up with friends and neighbours over a lovely cup of fresh coffee and a butty, (vegetarian options available).

Browse the stalls and buy your locally produced veg, bread, eggs, cakes, preserves and much more!

Dog found on Harby Lane, Langar

October 31st, 2019

Have you lost your dog? A dog has been found during the early hours of today (31st October), on Harby Lane, Langar, close to Little Langar Lodge.

For more information please contact the Parish Clerk on 01949 860123 or langarbarnstoneclerk@gmail.com


Outreach Post Office session cancelled Tuesday 29th October

October 28th, 2019

The Outreach Post Office session at Barnstone Village Hall will be cancelled tomorrow, Tuesday 29th October. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Saturday 26th Detonate Halloween Festival Cancelled

October 25th, 2019

Press Release from Kathryn Pyer from organisers ‘Set it Off Ltd’ 1717 hrs 25th October ………..

It is with huge regret that we have had to make the incredibly difficult decision to cancel the upcoming Detonate Halloween show. Over the duration of the week there has been a huge amount of rainfall on the site with considerably more forecast for the days ahead, and despite bringing in additional teams, groundwork specialists and a vast amount of additional trackway, it has been decided today that it would be unsafe to open to the public. The rain today has fallen in such severity it has made conditions impossible to continue. 

Santa Fun Run in aid of Dove Cottage Hospice Sunday 1st December 2019

October 11th, 2019

Oktoberfest! Saturday 2nd November 2019

October 10th, 2019

Join Vale Ventures for Oktoberfest on Saturday 2nd November for a fun filled evening of Bavarian delights including a themed hot supper and first class entertainment from Karl’s Brass. A selection of cask ales available at the best prices, along with a full bar. So dig out those dirndls and lederhosen and warm up your palms for some thigh slapping, stein swinging frolics!