Spring Poster Competition

April 10th, 2020

Community Quiz Week 1

April 6th, 2020

Hello all

As we are unable to get out much at the moment I thought I’d give you something to do, attached you will find some quizzes.

stand 4

Name the Muppet

Find the flower

Disney films

Anagrams and Tube stations

Next week I will do another set and give you the answers to these.

Please feel free to pass on to whom you think might enjoy.

Stay in, Stay safe and see you at the Christmas Quiz



Latest issue of Signpost newsletter

February 20th, 2020

For all the latest news on what is happening in our Parish, please use the attached link to view the March 2020 edition of Signpost.

Barnstone Play Area to be re-developed

February 10th, 2020

The Parish Council is improving Barnstone Play Area, particularly for the 0-11 age group. We are applying for funding and would appreciate your support.

You can either download and print off this form Barnstone Play Equipment Flier , ticking the box alongside each item, and return it 6 Park Road, Barnstone, NG13 9JG, or

email your comments to the Parish Clerk at langarbarnstoneclerk@gmail.com 

Thank you for your support!

Free Rushcliffe running sessions thanks to Healthy Futures Funding

February 10th, 2020

A running group is now offering free beginners’ sessions at locations throughout Rushcliffe, thanks to support from the Borough Council’s Healthy Futures Fund.

Notts Women Runners operate courses across Nottinghamshire and are offering the exercise opportunities in Ruddington and West Bridgford for new recruits hoping to increase their fitness levels.

The group successfully applied for the funding to send volunteers on a Leadership in Running Fitness course by England Athletics which helps Run Leaders to gain experience of how to motivate others to reach their goals.

Newly qualified leaders are now supporting run sessions for beginners across the Borough, based on the Couch to 5k programme, some of which are already fully booked.

The group’s bid highlighted the need to reach residents who may not typically have engaged in physical activity over the winter months.

The running group provide 10 to 12 week programmes for women and offer a safe, welcoming environment to increase exercise levels.

The fund is designed to help groups or activities sustain themselves financially, expand their efforts and positively impact the health and wellbeing of residents in Rushcliffe.

If your group or activity wishes to apply for support from the Healthy Futures Fund, please visit https://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/health/healthyfuturesfund/

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Debbie Mason said: “This is yet another wonderful example of the Healthy Futures Fund supporting local groups to provide further opportunities for people in the Borough, following our work to support the Rushcliffe All Ears group last year.

“We are so pleased to be able to assist Notts Women Runners in branching out and providing more beginners’ sessions for those hoping to become active in our towns and villages.

“The new sessions have been exceptionally popular, and we hope more women will now find a local running group to help them improve their fitness, socialise and regularly engage with their community.”

Previously, the fund has assisted community groups in buying new equipment, hiring venues for meetings and refreshing marketing materials to help reach new members.

Run Leader Co-ordinator for Notts Women Runners Eve Savage said: “We’re thrilled to be able to offer more beginners’ running sessions, thanks to funding from the Healthy Futures Fund, it’s transformed the number of sessions we can deliver.

“They promote a friendly, supportive community for runners and it’s brilliant to be able to welcome more people to our new groups across Rushcliffe.”

To find out more about Notts Women Runners and local sessions available in Rushcliffe, please visit https://bit.ly/31vdg55


Vale Market Cafe – Saturday 8th February 10-12 at Barnstone Village Hall

February 1st, 2020

Spring is nearly here! Come along and meet up with friends and neighbours next Saturday at our busy Cafe.  Buy your local produce including veg, bread, eggs, cakes, preserves and more and treat yourselves to a delicious cob (veggie options available) and hot coffee or tea.

Vale Market Cafe – Saturday 11th January, 10am – 12noon Barnstone Village Hall

January 4th, 2020

Whatever the weather, you will receive a warm welcome at next week’s Vale Market Cafe. Catch up with friends and neighbours over delicious fresh coffee and a butty or a slice of home made cake.

Local produce available as always – eggs, bread, preserves, veg, cakes and more!