The Parish Council continues to meet monthly, albeit in virtual Zoom meetings. Our latest meeting was on 14 May, at which we were joined by one of our Borough Councillors and both of our County Councillors.
At that meeting, Cllrs. Chris Harper and Nicky Pulford were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the coming session.
A number of residents have enquired about opening up the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for tennis and basketball. We have today (28 May) sought advice from Rushcliffe Borough Council on their opinion, and they have counselled against opening it up. The RBC officer stated “We have re-opened tennis courts in West Bridgford in recent weeks as we feel safely social distancing can be maintained but as effectively the area is classed as multi-functional, we for example are not opening facilities such as play parks where we feel there is any grey area and advice cannot be followed easily, especially if children can access the area.”
We are aware that some youngsters have been scaling the fence of the MUGA to play basketball. Please be aware that we have contacted the police to keep an eye on any illegal activity at the MUGA.
Thank you.
Sharon Ellis
For the Parish Council