Message from RBC Leader- Cllr. Simon Robinson

November 5th, 2020

Rushcliffe Leader calls for all to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives

Leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council Cllr Simon Robinson is calling on the public to do all they can to follow new national restrictions around COVID-19 and continue to play their part by staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

Measures for England outlined on Saturday by the Prime Minister come into force today (Thursday) in an attempt to reduce the number of transmissions and protect the NHS from rising hospital admissions.

Cllr Robinson said: “It’s incredibly important that everybody now complies with these new restrictions.

“I know it’s exceptionally tough on so many of us as residents and business owners but we are in a really serious situation.

“It needs everyone to continue playing their part, starting with staying at home wherever you can and remembering hands, face, space whenever you do leave home for essential reasons

“I cannot stress enough how important it is as we go forward we all follow these rules to protect each other and get on top of this virus.

“Shop Local Shop Safe at essential outlets and please do keep supporting local traders who are able to continue to operate.

“If you have any questions at all please visit our website – it clarifies more on staying at home, meeting others safely, the latest for our businesses and venues and possible financial support, going to work safely and childcare and children’s activities.

“There’s also information available for anyone who needs support with social isolation, mental health or anyone suffering domestic abuse, we understand the pressures so many of us can face at home.

“These measures are very much about protecting everybody in our communities with these huge sacrifices we have to make.


“I’m disappointed we’re in this again after all we did earlier this year but we are where we are and we’ve got to make that commitment and get on top of this pandemic.

“Let me absolutely stress too, a priority is to get that financial support into eligible business bank accounts as soon as possible.

“So as soon as we’ve received the final guidance from government on the business grants packages, we’ll publish the details and then we’ll contact businesses to make sure we can get that vital money out to them.

“Stay safe, continue to look after one another and please follow the rules so we can look forward to a brighter Christmas and 2021.”


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